Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Using a My Docs Online WebDAV server to synchronize OmniFocus with your iPhone

OmniFocus provides professional grade task management software for Mac users. With the introduction of the new iPhone version of OmniFocus it is now possible to synchronize your OmniFocus tasks through either MobileMe or through the use of a WebDAV server. If you have an existing My Docs Online account you can use it to process your synchronizations. If you don't yet have a My Docs Online account you can click here for a free seven day trial of the service which will allow you to test the synchronization process. Should you decide to purchase the annual fee for the account would be $34.95.

Once you have your My Docs Online account set up it is fairly simple to configure OmniFocus to work with our WebDAV servers. On the desktop side just launch OmniFocus and from the menu bar click OmniFocus, Preferences. From the preference window click the sync button at the top. Then select the advanced button and enter the following location address: https://webfolders.mydocsonline.com. Please refer to the graphic below for an example.

Once you have the address entered click the sync button and you'll be asked for your My Docs Online login ID and password, following which the synchronization will be initiated.

Step two is to configure the OmniFocus app on your iPhone. You'll first need to purchase and install the app from the iTunes store. Once the application has been installed go ahead and launch it and then tap the "Settings" icon. On the ensuing Settings page scroll down to the Syncronization section and enter the same URL, https://webfolders.mydocsonline.com. Please see the image below as an example.

Once again you'll need to enter your My Docs Online login ID and password here after you've entered the WebDAV server address.

Please review the instructions from OmniFocus for complete details on how the synchronization works. For the time being the only version of OmniFocus that supports the iPhone syncronization is version 1.1, which they refer to as a "sneaky peak" version.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Docs now has users in 163 different countries

I was just looking at our latest numbers from Google Analytics and saw, buried among the reams of data, that we have users in 163 different countries. Of course the vast majority of our users are located in the English speaking countries but it is really cool to have users in so many different countries. Thanks to each and every one of you for helping to spread the word about My Docs Online!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Webfolders2 problem resolved

The problem we've experienced for the past couple of days involving the webfolders2 server has been resolved.  There should no longer be any problem creating new folders or moving files between folders using the webfolders2 server.  Thanks to everyone for their patience while we worked through the solution.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Webfolders problem on Webfolders2.mydocsonline.com

We are currently experiencing a problem with our webfolders2.mydocsonline.com WebDAV server.   If you are connected to that server you'll get errors when trying to drag and drop between folders within your account.  You may also experience errors when trying to create new folders.

We are working on this problem now and should have a solution shortly.  In the near term you can still create folders and move files through the web interface (www.mydocsonline.com).   You can also reset your webfolders connection to webfolders.mydocsonline.com.  Servers using that domain are not experiencing the problem.

We'll post a note as soon as this problem is resolved.